Every day 6,000 people become unpaid carers according to Carers UK. It can be hard to know how or where to get help. Carers can be any age, and it can be scary and isolating. This page provides information that you may find useful, whether you yourself are a carer or you receive support from a carer, including:


Carer’s Assessment

Any carers over the age of 18 can ask for a free carer’s assessment. The carer’s assessment is essentially a wellbeing check to look at how well you are coping whilst looking after someone else.

By arranging a carer’s assessment, you can explore what your needs are and what different types of support are available to you – from emotional assistance to practical help, including gym memberships for stress relief, help with gardening and housework, getting extra help from a paid-for carer and more.

The carer’s assessment is managed at the local level, so you will need to contact your local council to request the assessment. If you are a young carer (under the age of 18), you should still speak to your local council to see what additional support they can offer.

Visit the NHS website for more information about the carer’s assessment.

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Back up plan

If you receive care from someone, whether paid or unpaid, think about what you would do if they were not available – Carers UK has good advice on creating a contingency, or back up plan.

Keep your 'I have EB' card to hand. If you require medical attention, it is useful to have this and make health professionals aware that you have EB, along with contact details of your EB team.

If you care for someone who has EB, you can think about the support needed if you become unwell or unexpected circumstances occur meaning you cannot carry out your caring responsibilities.

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Carer’s Allowance

If you are caring for someone for 35 hours or more per week, you may be eligible to receive a Carer’s Allowance of £81.90 per week (2024-25).

You will need to meet certain criteria to be eligible for the payment (e.g. age, residency) but we encourage all carers – especially informal carers, such as a parent looking after a child – to consider applying.

This allowance is not means-tested; however, there is a limit to how much you can earn from work and still be entitled to the payment, which may also be taxable.

Read the Carers UK guidance about carer’s allowance for more information.

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Carer’s Rights

Working in paid employment whilst caring for someone else can be challenging and it is important to know your rights.

You should firstly talk with your employer about your situation, letting them know as soon as possible, so that you can agree a plan in case your work is disrupted, or your work pattern needs to be changed. You may have a statutory right to request flexible working if you have been with your employer for more than 26 weeks.

All employees are entitled to ‘dependent leave’ in emergency situations; this may be paid or unpaid and is dependent upon your employment contract. You also have the right not to be discriminated against due to your association with someone who is disabled (i.e. long-term physical or mental impairment causing a negative effect on performing routine activities).

Learn more about managing work with caring responsibilities.

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Resources for carers

Carers UK - charity supporting carers in the UK
Young Carers (NHS) - help for Young Carers
Support for Carers (NHS) - support and benefits for carers
Carers Trust - charity supporting carers in the UK


If you need any further support, please contact our Community Support Team on 01344 771961 (option 1).

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