New DEBRA logo released in 2022

From the start of October, we will be refreshing our visual brand with a new logo and strapline. The project has evolved based on feedback received from and consultation with our members, trustees, volunteers, EB medical professionals, supporters, and potential supporters who we want to reach and engage with.

Chris Clarke, Director of Marketing, is excited about the opportunities this will bring the charity:

The prime reason for evolving the look and feel of the DEBRA brand is to increase awareness which is so important for DEBRA and our ability to improve quality of life for people living with EB. If the people we need to influence including healthcare professionals, MPs, potential supporters, retail customers etc., do not know what EB is and what DEBRA does, how can we expect to get their support?

By making it much clearer who we are and what we do, we hope to improve awareness of DEBRA and EB which today is very low – in a latest YouGov study, only 7% were aware of Epidermolysis Bullosa/EB and 15% were aware of DEBRA.

With the new branding we also want to capitalise on the increased awareness of ‘Butterfly Skin’ and its association with EB. The new branding repositions DEBRA as ‘The Butterfly Skin Charity’ through the new strapline which sits alongside references to ‘EB’ in both the DEBRA name and our new signature/call to action - Help stop the pain of EB.

The evolved brand will be launched on October 1st with a phased roll out across our website, social media, publications, marketing materials, offices and retail estate.

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2077 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 23rd - 24th March 2022. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).