DEBRAs senior management team at the Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University of London.

April 2023

Earlier this week members of DEBRA’s senior management team visited the Blizard Institute – Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry at the Queen Mary University of London.

The Blizard Institute is a world-class biomedical research institute that integrates all stages of research from basic science through to clinical studies across a diverse range of fields including cell biology.

The visit presented a great opportunity for the DEBRA team to have a tour of the impressive facilities and to get an update on the various research projects that the team there are currently working on related to EB. These include research studies focused on reducing scarring and promoting wound healing for patients living with EB.


We very much look forward to strengthening our relationship with the EB research team at the Queen Mary University of London over the coming months and years as we work together to find more effective ways to alleviate the symptoms of EB.

Find out more about the research projects DEBRA supports.