Group celebrate Brians 25th anniversary volunteering with DEBRA

Yesterday the Send shop team were delighted to celebrate volunteer Brian’s 25th anniversary with DEBRA – an amazing achievement!

Brian was presented with an award and gifts for his long service by Send Manager Debbie as well as an absolutely fabulous card and cake made by Area Manager Paula. There was even a special rosette for Brian’s faithful guide dog Rosie!


Brian is such a valued member of the team and really popular in the village, the customers enjoy coming in to chat with him

 – The Send team.

Reaching 25 years volunteering is just another achievement at DEBRA for Brian, who also won the Charity Retail Association volunteering award in 2014 for his contribution to the Send shop. 

I am constantly amazed and humbled by the dedication of our volunteers, and to see Brian reach the 25-year milestone shows just how devoted he is to DEBRA. We are very honoured to have volunteers like Brian and we can’t thank him enough for all his hard work and commitment to the team.

– Mark Francis, Volunteering Development Manager

Support from our amazing volunteers like Brian helps make a real difference to people living with EB. Without them, we couldn’t continue to fund life-changing research, vital community support services and fight for a world where no one has to suffer with the pain of EB.

Thank you again to Brian for giving so much of his time, it is greatly appreciated by everyone at DEBRA and the wider EB community.


Feeling inspired by Brian?


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