The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference in the average pay of men and women - regardless of the nature of their work - across the entire organisation.

As an organisation with more than 250 employees, DEBRA is obliged to publish statistics of its gender pay gap on a yearly basis, on both our own website and a government website. The data in this report is a ‘snapshot’ based on data from April 2023.

As well as aiming for a gender pay gap as close to 0% as possible, DEBRA is also committed to providing equal pay, ie no difference in the rate of pay between men and women who carry out the same jobs or work of equal value.

Our Pay Policy states that it is our ‘intention to pay staff a salary/rate of pay that: is fair and legally compliant, proportionate to the requirements of each role, sufficiently competitive within the charity sector in order to attract and retain the best employees for each position, rewards high performance, respects equality in the workplace, and recognises the charitable status of the organisation.’

2024 gender pay gap report cover  

Gender Pay Gap Report


2023 DEBRA Gender Pay Gap Report

Gender Pay Gap Report


Gender Pay Gap Report


Gender Pay Gap Report


Gender Pay Gap Report
