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Major gifts

A boy and girl, both wearing white tops and black shorts, sit on the floor with visible skin conditions on their arms and legs. The boy extends his arms wide while the girl claps and looks at him smiling. Two young children, who live with EB, sit on a gray background. The boy has arms outstretched in a major display of joy, smiling brightly, while the girl playfully gestures with her hands.

Make a lasting impact on the lives of people living with epidermolysis bullosa (EB).

By giving a major gift to DEBRA UK (£10,000+), you are not just supporting the EB community today, you could be shaping a better future for those living with EB tomorrow.

Your donation could help us invest in drug repurposing clinical trials to ensure that in the future there is an effective drug treatment for every type of EB.

Ways to contribute as a major donor

  • Make a one-off donation
  • Give a regular gift
  • Donate your shares
  • Give your time and expertise
  • Give through a trust or foundation
  • Leave a gift in your will

Get in touch

If you would like to make a significant donation to DEBRA, please call our Director of Fundraising, Hugh Thompson on 07557 561 502 or email

Hugh would be happy to discuss what particular area of DEBRA’s work you would like to support, as well as how to make the donation and any tax implications that may result.