Mark Moring 

We are delighted to announce that Mark Moring has agreed to become our newest DEBRA UK ambassador.

Mark has been fully committed to supporting DEBRA UK and the UK EB community for many years and we are delighted to be able to both recognise everything that he has done in raising much-needed awareness and funding for the charity but also to be able to count on his continued support in an official capacity as a DEBRA UK Ambassador.

Commenting on the news, Mark said:

I am honoured to accept the offer to become a DEBRA UK Ambassador. As your team knows I have been fully committed to DEBRA UK for many years and I am very happy to continue supporting the charity to achieve its fundraising goals. I will keep fighting and doing whatever I can to BE the difference for EB.

Mark is a National Sales Director at The Morelli Group, a leading distribution business within the automotive industry. Having worked in this sector for over 30 years, Mark has used his platform and vast network of industry contacts to raise awareness of EB with the many companies that he works with, with many of them now adopting DEBRA UK as their principal charity partner.

It was 2009 that Mark first became involved with DEBRA UK and he has supported our annual DEBRA UK Fight Night with Frank Warren ever since. In 2024 Mark launched the first DEBRA UK Sports Car Rally, which he hopes will be equally as successful.

Thanks for all your support, Mark, it’s great to have you on board as a member of Team DEBRA.