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Togetherall online mental health support

Togetherall promotional graphic for online mental health support, featuring logos, "Register today for FREE," and an illustration of a person sitting. Offers a confidential 24/7 online peer community.

Togetherall is an award-winning online mental health service where you can anonymously share experiences and gain support from a safe and confidential community of real people. Free to our DEBRA members and their families.

We have listened to feedback from our members who tell us that accessing emotional wellbeing and mental health support is really important and partnered with Togetherall to offer this service to our members.

  • Free to our DEBRA members and their families.
  • Available 24/7 day or night.
  • Share experiences and how you’re feeling, listen and be heard in a safe, anonymous space.
  • Gain support from a confidential community of real people.
  • With the opportunity to initiate and join in threads that could be related to living with EB (the more members who join in the more likely this is).
  • Benefit from practical wellbeing tools and resources.
  • Easy to access, no waiting list, find support in minutes.
  • Moderated at all times by registered mental health practitioners who ensure individuals are kept safe and feel supported.


Please note: content by other users may include people sharing situations or emotions that you may find distressing – the moderators will respond if you alert them with any concerns.


Find out more

You can find out more about Togetherall by watching the video below.


How can I join?

Contact us on 01344 771961 (option 1) or via email at


Our team are here to support you

Don’t forget, our experienced EB Community Support Team are also here to provide emotional and practical support for members and their families living with all types of EB across the UK. They can also signpost to further psychological support and, if you need help urgently, there are additional helpline numbers on our website.