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Friends of DEBRA

In a cozy living room, a woman in a DEBRA shirt hands a bowl to a seated man next to a young girl cradling a baby.

Friends of DEBRA are regional, family led groups who fundraise for DEBRA UK and raise awareness about EB in their local communities. Each group looks after their own particular region and fundraise inspired by someone living with EB. The groups are vital to our work and provide an excellent base to spread EB awareness across the country. Meet our Friends of DEBRA groups below and see how they have been inspired to start their local group. 

Every group is unique and has its own strengths: some will focus on regular but smaller scale events; some will hold larger but less frequent events; and others will base their fundraising on contacting local groups, schools, businesses and utilising their contact network.

Benefits of setting up a Friends of DEBRA group

  • Be the DEBRA representative for your area
  • A dedicated DEBRA contact will help get the group started
  • Bespoke logo for your group (and letterhead displaying this)
  • Ability to restrict where your fundraising goes (e.g. type of EB research)
  • Yearly updates into funded research projects and the group’s fundraising
  • Own page on the DEBRA website (administered by DEBRA) with donate form specific to your group
  • A range of fundraising resources to maximise your efforts
  • Dedicated online giving page campaign so fundraisers can gain online sponsorship direct to your group
  • DEBRA will handle all the admin for the group

Interested in starting a Friends of DEBRA group in your area? Take a look at the benefits and dedicated FAQs. Once you are ready, contact the team or register to start your group.