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The language of EB research: Key terms and acronyms explained 

Open dictionary page showing the definition of "dictionary" with a yellow tassel bookmark on the right. Open dictionary page showing the definition of "dictionary" with a yellow tassel bookmark on the right.

We understand that some of the words used in relation to medical research can be quite technical and by knowing a bit more about what these terms mean you can get a better understanding of the project and how it could potentially benefit you or someone that you care for.  

This is why we have developed a helpful list of words, in alphabetical order, that are commonly used in relation to EB research. We’ve also included any acronyms that are widely used, for example the initials of words put together, like “EB”, which is widely used instead of epidermolysis bullosa. 

We hope this will help, however if you still struggle and come across words that you don’t understand, or if you have any suggestions of words that you think should be added to the glossary, please contact 

EB research glossary