There is currently no cure for EB, but at DEBRA UK we're working hard to change this. Treatments are designed to help ease and control symptoms such as pain and itch to improve quality of life. Effective healthcare management aids in avoiding further skin damage and can reduce the risk of developing further complications. We also work with the EB community and the specialist healthcare teams to ensure people with EB receive the best care possible.
Working in partnership with the NHS to deliver an enhanced EB healthcare service for people living with EB. The EB centres of excellence have multidisciplinary teams providing expert specialist EB healthcare. Read more
For most people living with EB, wound care is a big part of daily life. Although care differs between people and EB type there are some general tips which may help reduce blistering and minimise pain. Find out more about skin and wound care for EB. Read more
Two of the most common and difficult to manage symptoms associated with the painful genetic skin blistering condition, epidermolysis bullosa (EB) are pain and itch. Read more
There is currently no specific advice to EB patients because EB impacts everyone differently. If you are in contact with any health services you should mention that you have EB along with how it affects you, so they provide the best care. Read more
Frequently asked questions about the anti-inflammatory drug apremilast. Read more
Frequently asked questions about Filsuvez® gel for treating EB. Read more
Delicious recipes from our EB specialist dietitians, bursting with healthy ingredients to provide a high calorie, high protein, nutrient-rich meals, puddings or snacks. Read more